
Train-Your-Own Service Dog Program

A rewarding, cost-effective option for those willing to put in the time & work

PRana K9


Train your own service dog..

A rewarding labor of love

We are proud to offer our train-your-own-service-dog program. Our program is a master-trainer guided process which helps you train your own dog for service or emotional support animal (ESA) work. Don't be mislead - there are FAKE service dog registries out there that will sell you a vest and send you on your way; WE ARE NOT THAT. The program entails hours and months/years of hard work on both our parts. Some dogs won't make the grade -- that is just reality. However, IF your dog is capable, and IF you are willing to put in the time and effort, this is a very economical way to get the service dog you need which may have been cost prohibitive otherwise.

Why did we start our TYOD program? Several reasons. First, purchasing a legitamate service dog is very expensive. For someone who is on a fixed income or even public assistance because of a disability, the cost of a legitamate dog might as well be a million dollars --they just can't afford the money it takes to purchase a much needed dog. In my experience, the people who often are in most need of a dog are the ones who simply can not afford one. Secondly, non-profits who provide dogs free of charge often have VERY VERY VERY long waiting lists....often years long. This is at no fault of the non-profits, it is just a supply/demand issue. Third, some people needing dogs have behaviors that can be very disturbing to any dog -- screeching, melt downs, yelling, odd gaits and behaviors etc; while most dogs can get used to these behaviors, it is much easier if the dog is raised with these behaviors from day one instead of being exposed to them a year or more down the line. Lastly, raising and training your own dog greatly facilitates and stengthens the bond between partners. This is why we do it....and it works wonderfully.


Please contact for options, price estimates and to set up an initial consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.








Needs assistance training your own service dog? Ask us about our train-your-own-service dog program


Downloadable List of Available Service Dog Tasks